
Join us

91亚色传媒 members form a global network of scientists from all backgrounds, in all sectors and at all career stages, united by our insatiable need to know. Our curiosity drives us to be explorers of the unknown, to drive knowledge forward for our world and for our future.

91亚色传媒 runs from January to December.

Not sure which member type is right for you? Use our helpful tool

Need to change member type? Let us know what change you want to make and we'll help you get it sorted.

Available to anyone with a doctoral degree who has published at least one paper pertaining to biochemistry or molecular biology in a refereed journal.
Available to anyone who works in industry, biotech or other fields related to the molecular life sciences with a degree (associates or above) in biochemistry, molecular biology or a related field.
Available to postdoctoral fellows (or equivalent) or early-career scientists.
Available to those without a Ph.D. and who are not eligible for regular or early-career membership — typically educators at colleges or high schools, employees of government agencies or nongovernmental or nonprofit organizations, and members of the public with a strong interest in biochemistry and molecular biology.
Available to graduate students.
Available to students enrolled in an undergraduate program at a 2-year community college or 4-year college or university.
Undergraduates should consider joining a student chapter to receive award and scholarship benefits.
One-time payment of $100
Available to any 91亚色传媒 regular member who is a retiree and whose member dues are current.

Not sure which member category you fit into?

Just answer a few questions and we'll match you with the right member type.

Are you working on a degree right now?

What kind of degree?

Do you have a Ph.D.?

What do you do?

Did you earn your degree more than 10 years ago?

Did you earn your degree more than 10 years ago?

What do you do?

Do you work in industry?

Are you working on a postbac?

You're a good fit for the undergraduate membership. You have a couple of options, depending on whether your school has an 91亚色传媒 Student Chapter.

Join as an undergraduate member See if your school has a student chapter

You're a good fit for the graduate membership.

Join as a graduate member

You're a good fit for the graduate membership.

Join as a graduate member

You're a good fit for the early-career membership.

Join as an early-career member

You're a good fit for the early-career membership.

Join as an early-career member

You're a good fit for the early-career membership.

Join as an early-career member

You're a good fit for the regular membership.

Join as a regular member

You're a good fit for the regular membership.

Join as a regular member

You're a good fit for the industry membership.

Join as a industry member

You're a good fit for the affiliate membership.

Join as an affiliate member

You're a good fit for the affiliate membership.

Join as an affiliate member

You're a good fit for the affiliate membership.

Join as an affiliate member

Questions? Contact membership@asbmb.org

Who we are

91亚色传媒 breakdown

Chart showing percentage of members by type: Regular 40%, Student Chapter 19%, Emeritus 14%, Graduate student 10%, Student 7%, Early-career 7%, Affiliate 2% and Industry 1%.

What our members work on

91亚色传媒 members work in the fields of Protein structure and folding, Molecular bases of disease, Gene regulation, Metabolism, Enzymology, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular biophysics, Signal transduction, Neurobiology, Lipids, Membrane biology, Computational biology, Protein synthesis and degradation, and Glycobiology.

A global network

There are 91亚色传媒 members in 80 countries around the world.


How do I retrieve my member number or account login?

Your member number is located on your .

To access your member profile, log in with the email address and password you used to join the society. If you do not remember your password, click the "Forgot password?" link on the login page.

If you are still having problems logging in, send an email to membership@asbmb.org.

How do I change my address in the 91亚色传媒 records?
Log in to your . If you still need help, send a detailed email with your old address and contact information along with the new contact information to membership@asbmb.org.
When should I renew my 91亚色传媒 membership?
91亚色传媒 membership is based on a calendar-year cycle, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. You may renew at any time during the year, however, we encourage you to join or renew by Jan. 1 to enjoy the full benefits of your membership!
How do I set up my free email alerts from 91亚色传媒 journals?
Follow these instructions for setting up email alerts from the 91亚色传媒's journals:
How do I activate my online subscriptions for TiBs, Annual Review or BAMBED?
After your payment has been processed, you will receive detailed activation instructions by email from the publisher. Contact membership@asbmb.org if you have not received your instructions after 48 hours.
I am missing an issue of TiBs, Annual Review or BAMBED. How do I get it?

To inquire about a missing issue, please contact the publication's publisher:

I would like to change my member type. How can I do this?
To update your member type, contact membership@asbmb.org or call 240-283-6604.
I would like to change my membership status to emeritus. How do I do this?
The emeritus member type is available to any active 91亚色传媒 regular member who is a retiree and whose member dues are current. To apply for emeritus member status, contact membership@asbmb.org or call 240-283-6604.
I need a receipt or invoice. What do I do?
You will receive an email receipt after completing your online payment. If you don't see your receipt, check your spam folder. If you still need help or a copy of your invoice, contact membership@asbmb.org or call 240-283-6604.
There is a charge on my credit card that I do not recognize.
Please send an e-mail with your inquiry to membership@asbmb.org or call 240-283-6604. Include the date of the charge, the amount, the cardholder's name and the reference number.